3 Month Coffee Subscription-In Store Pick-up Only


12 weeks of fresh roasted coffee. Coffee will be freshly roasted right before each delivery.

SKU: hfcsp-1 Category: Tag:


This subscription will give you 12 weeks of fresh roasted coffee. Prepayment saves you at least 10% over individual purchase price, and you can set and forget. Coffee will be freshly roasted right before each delivery.

You must be able to pick up your coffee each cycle at our Watsonville or Seaside Cafe or at one of our weekly farmer’s markets. No shipping is built into the price of this subscription. Choose your pick-up option from the shipping choices during check-out.

If you need a subscription shipped, please choose the delivered subscription instead of this one.

Additional information

Grind Preference

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Preferred Roast?

Dark (Full City to French roast), Medium (City+ to Full City roast), Light (American to City+ roast), Variety (we'll include light, medium, & dark)

Package Size

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Delivery Frequency

Once a week, Every 2 weeks, Once a month

Coffee Variety

American Blonde, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Decaf Microfarm Blend, El Salvador, Espresso Blend Decaf, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Hidden Fortress Espresso Blend, Honduras, Java, Loma Prieta Blend, Mexico, Microfarm Blend, Mixed Variety – Dark Roast, Mixed Variety – Light Roast, Mixed Variety – Medium Roast, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Rwanda, Sumatra, Uganda